[. . . ] IBM posts SPECjEnterprise2010 score for BladeCenter HS22 cluster HS22 blade cluster delivers first multi-node result for SPECjEnterprise2010 January 7, 2010 . . . [. . . ] The benchmarked configuration consisted of an IBM BladeCenter with eight HS22 application server nodes, each of which was configured with the Quad-Core Intel® Xeon® Processor X5570 at 2. 93GHz with 256KB L2 cache per core and 8MB L3 cache per processor (8 cores/2 chips/4 cores per chip) and 16GB of memory, and ran WebSphere Application Server V7, IBM J9 Java 6 Runtime Environment, and Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2. An IBM System x3850 M2 system was used as the database server, which was configured with the Intel Xeon Processor X7460 at 2. 66GHz with 9MB L2 cache and 16MB L3 cache (24 cores/4 chips/6 cores per chip) and 64GB of memory, and ran IBM DB2 9. 7 Enterprise Server Edition and Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2. The SPECjEnterprise2010 benchmark is a full system benchmark that allows performance measurement and characterization of JEE 5. 0 servers and supporting infrastructure such as JVM, database, processors, disk and servers. The benchmark workload emulates an automobile dealership, manufacturing, supply chain management (SCM) and order/inventory system. Performance is measured in SPECjEnterprise2010 by a metric called EjOPS (jEnterprise Operations Per Second). The metric is derived by adding the operations per second in the dealer domain to the work orders per second in the manufacturing domain. For a complete description of the benchmark, go to http://www. spec. org/jEnterprise2010/. View all published results at: http://www. spec. org/jEnterprise2010/results/jEnterprise2010. html IBM, System x, BladeCenter, WebSphere and DB2 are trademarks or registered trademarks of IBM Corporation. [. . . ] All other company/product names and service marks may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. [. . . ]